Create. Even in a crisis.

Young Musicians
Want to improve on technique, musicianship and performance?
High School Students
Need an arts elective credit for high school?
College and Competition Preparation
Preparing for an audition?
Culinary Arts
Interested in the Culinary Arts with a soul food twist?
About Arts Academy
We are so excited to announce the establishment and opening of the MIFAL Arts Academy this school year. We will be offering virtual classes, individual training and virtual performance opportunities for our students. Open to ages 12 and up (exceptionally gifted younger students welcomed on a case by case basis.)
Reaching beyond basic instruction in the arts, the MIFALAA aims to provide quality visual, performing and culinary arts education for individuals and groups. All virtual! Live streaming interactive classes and access to all materials online for home study and practice.
We also offer Music Appreciation and Fine Arts Appreciation online courses for home schooling or hybrid high school scheduling. Complete the Registration form below to receive more information based on your creative education needs.
Our Instructors

Tiffany Demory
Culinary Arts

Nia Pretto
Beginner Ballet, Jazz,
Tap and Modern

Dean DeTrece Lavender
Vocal & Guitar
© 2022 MIFAL Arts Academy, All Rights Reserved.